Tuesday, November 06, 2007

~Alliance for a New Humanity~Care2.com "Commitment to change humanity"

"At this moment, nothing is more important for healing the world than to link all those who believe that we must set forth a new narrative and create a new world where hope, social justice, peace and a sense of the sacredness of life prevail. For this, we need to form a critical mass of humanity that influences change at a global scale, to bring together the inner streams of sensitive human beings."

That's philosophy behind the Alliance for a New Humanity, created by Deepak Chopra with other visionary leaders to unite humanity to change the world.

Watch this short and uplifting video from the Alliance for a New Humanity, narrated by Deepak!

The Alliance is a global network that inspires and connects people to be the change the world so desperately needs.

Every year the Alliance puts on a conference called The Human Forum. The 2008 offering, “A Symphony of Transformation,” will take place March 11-13 in San Jose, Costa Rica.

The forum will explore how the world is moving away from four prevailing myths that still define human relationships amongst themselves and with nature: Money brings happiness, technology yields well-being, weapons provide security and natural resources are unlimited.

Learn more about The Human Forum, 2008!
Find out more about the Alliance and how you can help.

Please add my other site to your bookmarks and consider joining Care2
http://my.care2.com/radine and if you haven't seen it yet look for TheShiftMovie -- I have a blog on it here somewhere...will update if asked...

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