LA-2: The "X" - Levees - Lower 9th Ward by Tim Tagaris, Nov 19, 2006 8 PM EST
There's no separating Hurricane Katrina from the race in Louisiana's 2nd. As one Karen Carter staffer put it, "Anything happening in the city of New Orleans is related to the storm." Most folks down here like to differentiate between "the storm" and "the flood" -- one being a natural disaster, the other a man-made one. I took the "misery tour" of the Lower 9th Ward yesterday with a few local bloggers; this was "the flood" ...
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Video Bloggers "NOLA-MiseryTour"
Reposted by Radine! 11/19/06
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
WalMart Workers Teleconference with Obama & Edwards
Posted by Radine! for UNN from WakeUpWalMart
Obama and Edwards join grassroots call
This Wednesday, November 15, supporters from across the country are joining together on two national grassroots strategy conference calls.
On the first call, at 7:00 PM EST, Senator Barack Obama will be our special guest speaker. On the 10:00 PM EST call, Senator John Edwards will join us. (We are having two calls so that hard-working supporters from the east to the west coast can join after work).
The calls will help launch our exciting 2006 Holiday Campaign strategy. Join us as we continue to bring together a diverse coalition of Americans fighting for health care, good jobs and a better future.
Posted by Jeremy - November 14, 2006 10:22 AM - Action
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Wal-Mart workers thank you for Democracy "In Action"
Posted by Radine! for UNN
"November 8, 2006 The American People Reject Wal-Mart's political agenda
Despite Wal-Mart’s last minute donations to support its anti-family, anti-employee agenda, the American people gave a strong rebuke to the Bush/Wal-Mart right wing agenda.
Just take a look at a few of the candidates who received last-minute funding from Wal-Mart and lost:
- In October, Wal-Mart gave $10,000 to Tom Kean, the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in New Jersey. Bob Menendez, the Democratic candidate, defeated Kean.
- In October, Wal-Mart gave $5,000 to Michael Steele, the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Maryland. Congressman Ben Cardin, the Democratic candidate who joined the national bus tour, defeated Steele.
- In October, Wal-Mart gave $2,500 to Senator Mike DeWine, the incumbent Republican Senator in Ohio. Congressman Sherrod Brown, the Democratic candidate who joined the national bus tour, defeated DeWine.
These are just a few examples where the American people won and big corporations like Wal-Mart lost.
If this election proves nothing else, it is the fact that the American people want change, they want corporations to be held accountable and they want an agenda that protects American jobs, fights for health care for all and gives workers the respect and dignity that they deserve.
Posted by Jeremy at 10:55 AM"
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Wal-Mart Makes Last-Minute Donations to Republicans, Pushes Anti-Family, Anti-Employee Agenda
Wal-Mart Makes Last-Minute Donations to Republicans, Pushes Anti-Family, Anti-Employee Agenda 11/6/2006 3:10:00 PM
WASHINGTON, Nov. 6 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The following was released today by on Republican campaign contributions and the upcoming election:
After launching a voter education campaign to attack Democratic candidates fighting for a better America, Wal-Mart is now pouring money into key races to support its anti-family, anti-employee agenda.
Here are several examples, in the last few weeks, where Wal- Mart contributed to the Republican candidate in hotly contested races:
-- On Oct. 17, Wal-Mart contributed $5,000 to Tom Kean, the Republican U.S. Senate candidate in New Jersey.
-- On Oct. 25, Wal-Mart contributed another $5,000 to Tom Kean, the Republican U.S. Senate candidate in New Jersey.
-- On Oct. 17, Wal-Mart contributed $5,000 to Lt. Gov. Michael Steele, the Republican U.S. Senate candidate in Maryland.
-- On Oct. 18, Wal-Mart contributed $2,500 to Sen. Mike Dewine, the Republican U.S. Senate candidate in Ohio.
-- On Oct. 17, Wal-Mart contributed $2,500 to Rep. Jim Gerlach, a Republican Congressman from Pennsylvania who is running in one of the most targeted U.S. House districts in the country.
-- On Oct. 17, Wal-Mart contributed $5,000 to Rep. Tom Reynolds, the chairman of the National Republican Congressional Campaign Committee who is in a hotly contested race in New York.
Wal-Mart's contributions to Republicans in these hotly contested races follows Wal-Mart's very large donation of $500,000 to the Republican Governor's Association on Sept. 27.
"Wal-Mart's last minute contributions to Republicans proves that Wal-Mart is not only a right wing company but supports an anti-family, anti-employee agenda which ships U.S. jobs overseas, denies workers a living wage and fails to expand health care to hard-working families," said Paul Blank, campaign director for
WASHINGTON, Nov. 6 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The following was released today by on Republican campaign contributions and the upcoming election:
After launching a voter education campaign to attack Democratic candidates fighting for a better America, Wal-Mart is now pouring money into key races to support its anti-family, anti-employee agenda.
Here are several examples, in the last few weeks, where Wal- Mart contributed to the Republican candidate in hotly contested races:
-- On Oct. 17, Wal-Mart contributed $5,000 to Tom Kean, the Republican U.S. Senate candidate in New Jersey.
-- On Oct. 25, Wal-Mart contributed another $5,000 to Tom Kean, the Republican U.S. Senate candidate in New Jersey.
-- On Oct. 17, Wal-Mart contributed $5,000 to Lt. Gov. Michael Steele, the Republican U.S. Senate candidate in Maryland.
-- On Oct. 18, Wal-Mart contributed $2,500 to Sen. Mike Dewine, the Republican U.S. Senate candidate in Ohio.
-- On Oct. 17, Wal-Mart contributed $2,500 to Rep. Jim Gerlach, a Republican Congressman from Pennsylvania who is running in one of the most targeted U.S. House districts in the country.
-- On Oct. 17, Wal-Mart contributed $5,000 to Rep. Tom Reynolds, the chairman of the National Republican Congressional Campaign Committee who is in a hotly contested race in New York.
Wal-Mart's contributions to Republicans in these hotly contested races follows Wal-Mart's very large donation of $500,000 to the Republican Governor's Association on Sept. 27.
"Wal-Mart's last minute contributions to Republicans proves that Wal-Mart is not only a right wing company but supports an anti-family, anti-employee agenda which ships U.S. jobs overseas, denies workers a living wage and fails to expand health care to hard-working families," said Paul Blank, campaign director for
Monday, November 06, 2006
Wal-Mart Employees Speak Out (Audio+Report of 11/2 teleconference)
November 3, 2006
Wal-Mart Employees Speak OutTired of Wal-Mart's anti-worker policies and in the wake of the announcement of numerous new anti-family policies, Wal-Mart employees from across the country took part in the first ever national conference call for associates yesterday. (Audio)| In The News
The local newspaper near Wal-Mart's headquarters, The Arkansas Morning News, covered the call, noting that, "Wal-Mart...took it on the chin again Thursday during a teleconference in which employees vented their anger against the company over its new policy changes."
The article mentions the petition that Wal-Mart associates have started, calling on Wal-Mart to implement a series of changes and reverse these anti-worker, anti-family policies. Associates can sign the petition online and download copies to distribute among fellow associates.
From The Morning News:
Wal-Mart, still smarting from recent public relations fiascoes and disappointing store sales, took it on the chin again Thursday during a teleconference in which employees vented their anger against the company over its new policy changes.
The call was held by Wake-Up Wal-Mart in Washington, a union-backed group waging its own campaign against Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Two callers who identified themselves as Wal-Mart employees were Ramiro Gonzales of El Paso, Texas and Susan Smith of Ponca City, Okla.
Both Gonzales and Smith criticized Wal-Mart for its new wage-cap and absentee policies. By putting caps on some employee's wages, "We have nothing to look forward to," said Gonzales, who has worked for the company six years.
Smith also alleged that if employees do not confirm to Wal-Mart's new scheduling policy, workers have been "threatened" with wage cuts.
"Wal-Mart is definitely going over the line in many things," said Smith, a 14-year employee.
Paul Blank, director of Wake-Up Wal-Mart, said calls to his organization from Wal-Mart employees have "skyrocketed" since the company implemented its new policies. He also claimed the retailer has some more changes coming next year, including doing away with profit sharing and offering severance packages to longtime employees who will have their wages cut if they don't sign, he said.
Continue reading "Wal-Mart Employees Speak Out"
Most of the teleconference call can be heard here (personal information redacted).
Saturday, November 04, 2006
"INN Report" News you won't see on the MSM
Radine! defers to the excellent coverage of International News Network for this weekend
"I.N.N.Report" a 30 minute video newscast of news you won't see on broadcast or MSM media:
includes 10 min interview with Brad Friedman of The Brad Blog
"I.N.N.Report" a 30 minute video newscast of news you won't see on broadcast or MSM media:
includes 10 min interview with Brad Friedman of The Brad Blog
Election night coverage --info here.

Thursday, November 02, 2006
Special Correspondent Paul Cienfuegos Appeals to YOU!
Posted 11-2-06 for UNN by Radine! as received from Paul Cienfuegos
Friends across North America and beyond,I've checked out the hotlinks at the end of this urgent statement from the author, and they appear to be genuine. If so, this is a HUGE story which needs to get out to a larger audience and FAST. So please forward to your e-lists, as well as to any sympathetic media people you know.I am also including below a second article by Bob Fitrakis & Harvey Wasserman. The two respected authors and researchers are convinced that next Tuesday's national elections are again going to be stolen by the Republican Party. And they seem to have plenty of evidence to back them up.Not a time to sit on your hands! to you all,Paul CienfuegosHumboldt County, CA, USA